Sandro Novaes – Hecha (Look, see) – 2019

Sandro Novaes – Hecha (Look, see) – 2019

The Immateriality, this may be the general meaning we perceive when we look and live with Sandro Novaes' spatial configurations. Everything we look at and participate in leads us to an experience that would end in recognizing intangible lines and points. In this intervention in the natural environment of Finca Tarumã, it is possible to perceive the phenomenological condition that sustains and guides this work, since the participative (active) observer is a central condition, since the phenomenon of immateriality only occurs when this observer interacts with it.



The project "Hecha" (Look, see in Guarani language) to the Finca Tarumã consists of a set of trees painted with white color, from the ground to a certain point, and others, from these heights until upwards (second image of the project ). This interruption, at a given height (1.65mt - following the slope, parallel to the ground), when observed from a given point, creates an order that our eyes are able to interpret as a straight line, our brain through conditioned action, a Gestalt complementation, forces us to see (Hecha) something that is not really there, materially represented, but insinuated: as a immaterial line.



Laser leveling and paint application.

Finished work

Finished work

Perspective from the focal point, we can see the formation of the immaterial line.

Outside view

Outside view

Outside the focal point, the immaterial line fades away.

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